
Here are our pop quiz terms with their correct definitions.

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Data Science Pop Quiz

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Here are our pop quiz terms with their correct definitions. Take a moment to check your score. 

Statistical analysis: A scientific tool used to investigate data in order to discover patterns and trends.

Big data: A complex data set that is often characterized by the five V's–volume, variety, velocity, value, and veracity.

Dashboard: A visual representation of the data.

Machine learning: These types of algorithms allow computers to learn new things without being programmed.

Data science: This is a field of study that combines multiple fields to extract value from data. 

Data science is an exciting field and a very hot topic right now. Businesses are realizing that they are sitting on top of a gold mine of data and how important it is to extract value from it. 

These large, complex sets of data are called big data and are typically gathered quickly and from new sources. The primary sources of big data come from social media platforms, such as likes, retweets, and comments; machine data, which is generated from industrial equipment like sensors; and transactional data, produced by daily transactions which happen on and offline.

These large data sets are fed into a computer where various algorithms and analytical models analyze the data. This is called machine learning and is a common form of artificial intelligence (AI).

Data scientists use research tools like statistical analysis to collect and inspect the data. Through this research, they extract value from the data in the form of patterns and trends.

Finally, the results of these tools are displayed on a dashboard. A dashboard shows the relevant data through visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps. The visualizations make trends in data more accessible because the colors and designs make it easier to see what’s going on.

The demand for data-driven decision making continues to increase. Learning data science industry terms can help you develop a basic understanding of how this technology works and its best applications for our benefit.

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