


"OIT Gamification: Resolutions" Has Launched!

"OIT Gamification: Resolutions" Join Today Graphic

Want a great way to crush your New Year's resolution this January? Join the OIT Gamification: Resolutions event!

Maintaining your goal daily is the only way to advance your team through space to destroy the Death Star.

By exploring the gameboard, you can learn more about the game, the teams, and follow each team's progress through space.

The first step in playing is to join a team. Enter your name and resolution directly into a Team Scoreboard below to participate.

It's that simple - once you're on the scoreboard, you're a part of the game! Simply check in to your Team Scoreboard daily and log a or N to report whether or not you have met or maintained your New Year's resolution.

If the game has started, is it too late to join? It's not too late! Because progress is based on daily team percentages, it's possible to jump in at any point during the month of January. But to get the most out of the game, and to help stay on top of your New Year's resolution, it's best to join now.

Which Team (and Theme) fits you best? Choose a team based on your New Year's Resolution. Then click on a team link below to navigate to your Team Scoreboard. Finally, add your information to the scoreboard to join.

Thank you for participating in OIT Gamification: Resolutions, we hope you enjoy the game!

If you have any questions or comments, please email Leila Rao ( or Bri Cloutier (

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