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Enhance Your PlanetOIT Experience by Logging Into with EUA

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Welcome to this brief tutorial on how to log into PlanetOIT. If you’re a CMS employee or contractor with EUA credentials, logging in will give you the best user experience with access to all content housed on PlanetOIT. If you aren’t signed in with your EUA, you may miss valuable content.

Signing in to PlanetOIT is easy and will significantly improve your experience whether you are a CMS employee or contractor.

To begin, let's learn how to log in. On the PlanetOIT homepage, go to the "CMS Login" button in the upper right corner.

Then click on this button to access your EUA login page.

Now enter your EUA credentials, including your username and password. Once you've done that, click "Sign In."

Congratulations! You are now logged in to PlanetOIT with EUA.

Now, let's talk about why logging in is essential. Some PlanetOIT content is restricted to signed-in users only.

When signed in, you'll have access to exclusive EUA content, intended only for CMS employees and contractors.

It's important to note that if you try to access EUA content through direct URLs without logging in, you'll reach an "Access Denied" page.

This "Access Denied" page reminds you that some content is restricted and prompts you to log in to gain access.

So, in summary, logging in with EUA enhances your PlanetOIT experience and ensures that you can see all the valuable information and resources available.

Now that you know how and why to log in, we encourage you to explore PlanetOIT with your EUA credentials and make the most of this platform.

Thank you for watching this tutorial. We hope it helps you have a more informative experience on PlanetOIT.

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